Award Winning Training

The vision for Mosaic is the same today as when we started; for everyone to have access to quality learning experiences, tools, techniques and support, through professional conversations, workshops, events, coaching and consultation, whatever your role, industry, location or shift pattern.

The Practitioner

Andi Veevers

Hi, I'm Andrew Veevers, Managing Director and Lead Consultant at Mosaic Professional Development. Feel free to have a look around the site and see what we're doing in the training, coaching and professional development space, with me personally having over 25yrs. experience in the industry. Before setting up Mosaic, I worked with some of the most prestigious UK and Global brands, making a conscious effort to work across multiple industries in various geographical locations. This helped me hone my craft and observing what knowledge, skills and behaviours are transferable and what are more specialist, across all levels of business, all over the world. I have also personally held every role within Learning, Training and Development, from my first job as an Administrator, to my last corporate role as Global Head of Learning, Talent and Development. There has been a lot of learning over the years, mainly about people and patterns.

Our mission is to provide innovative, high-quality training solutions that blend diverse knowledge and practical skills, fostering a community of lifelong learners.

We aspire to a world where continuous learning and development are integral to personal and professional growth, enabling people to unlock their full potential and always contribute positively.

We champion the continuous pursuit of knowledge and skills, encouraging both our team and our learners to cultivate a mindset of perpetual growth and curiosity.

Start Your Journey


What Clients Say About Our Team

The Mosaic Way

One size definitely doesn't fit all but this is the Mosaic way

It starts with getting to know each other

Step 1: Initial Consultation and Needs Assessment
Objective: Understand the client's specific training and development needs.
Activities: Conduct a comprehensive consultation to identify gaps and goals through interviews and surveys. Analyse the current state and desired outcomes to tailor a bespoke programme.
Outcome: A detailed assessment report outlining your unique requirements and a proposed development plan.

We will provide a detailed plan for your training needs

Step 2: Customised Training and Development Programme
Objective: Deliver targeted training interventions to address identified needs.
Activities: Design and facilitate customised workshops, coaching sessions, and online courses. Use engaging methods to impart essential skills, leadership training, and professional services.
Outcome: Enhanced skills, productivity, and team cohesion as clients apply new knowledge and techniques.

Continuous improvement

Step 3: Follow-up and Continuous Improvement
Objective: Ensure sustained progress and address emerging needs.
Activities: Conduct follow-up sessions to review progress, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments. Provide ongoing support through coaching and additional training modules.
Outcome: Continuous improvement in performance and satisfaction, fostering long-term development and success.